Monday, April 20, 2009

Following the Pastor's Vision

I became obedient to a need in our church. Our pastoral staff’s vision is to pay a visit to those who attend our church for the first time that very same day. We also follow up with house calls to those who continue to attend our church, but are not members. Visiting seemed like such a small task. I had really wanted to take on something greater. However, it proved sufficient.

During one of the visits I had an opportunity to meet a young single father. My first impression was that the man is already unique. According to the latest publications, men are not likely to visit a church. However, here I was following up with a twenty something young single father. I shared in conversation with him about my faith and asked him about his. He said that he had made a decision to follow Christ several years ago and now desires Baptism. Here is a man seeking God with his heart and I can become a part of his journey.

Here’s the best part. Our pastor and deacon body exchanged the vision of mentoring men who needed help. Now, as a deacon, I get to take part supporting another goal. It’s another chance to serve and to make a difference for Christ.